Friday, April 25, 2008
Hitting 9
We managed to finish a little slower than a 10 minute mile pace. The last half mile or so I really kicked it in high gear and surprised myself with how much energy I had left. I definitely left too much "gas in the tank."
As I think about the Trolley Run on Sunday, I'm amazed at how far I've come in just one year. Last year's TR I struggled to get to the finish line - wondering when would this be over! Now, four miles seems like a piece of cake. It's proof that just putting one foot in front of another, time and time again, will always take you where you want to go.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Sidelined With Back Pain
It was my first exercise of the day - a deadlift from a box. Here's what they look like:
Obviously that guy is lifting a lot more weight than me. I only had 50 pounds on the bar, so about 95 lbs total. I did my first set of 8 and felt fine. It was halfway through the second set that I felt a sharp tightening and knew I was in trouble. I could barely bend over to put the weights back on the ground before collapsing. I really should have listened to my "inner voice" this morning when I woke up. I knew my back was kind of stiff when I got out of bed, and worried that I might hurt it during today's workout, since most of my exercises today involved the back. Now I'm just mad at myself, because this means at least 3 days of doing nothing -- no weights, no running. I just hope this heals fast.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
5.5 plus 2.5 equals...pain!
mile one: 8:27
three: 8:17
four: 8:18
five: 8:18*
The (*) represents where I hit the proverbial wall! half way through mile 5...I had to walk a lap!
mile six: 8:37
seven: 8:59
eight: 8:57
So I finished...certainly not strong...when we do this for real on June 7th somebody please remind me not to be a hero and to stay at a good pace, because Sunday everything hurts, my quads, my calves, my left knee and my right ankle! How come on our training plan they don't have "hot-tub day"???
Maybe that can be for all of us on June 8th!!!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Vegas, Baby, Vegas!
KC Cool Runnings, I wish I could run with you on Saturday! I think I'm going to need some help on this one after all of our fun! I'll try to run alone in Mississippi to keep up with our schedule and to keep off of the pounds from the Soul Food! Good luck!
Oh, I haven't signed up officially for the race either. We should probably be okay. I'm committed too...seems I'm in it for the long haul now that I've passed the halfway point with our seven miler last weekend!
Good luck this weekend y'all!
Officially Signing Up
I got back from Vegas last night and just chilled at home, planning to run 4 miles this morning. But then morning came, and I slept in... but I did get out the door. I only ran 2 miles this morning. I'm going to try and do another 2 tomorrow, then 8 on saturday. Does anyone else want to run together on Saturday? I think the weather is supposed to be cold. I'd like to run sometime in the morning, but anytime before noon is fine with me.
When I get home I'll post my Danny DeVito & Rhea Pearlman picture. Here it is:
Friday, April 4, 2008
Kicking 7's Ass
The first mile was mostly uphill. I was glad to get those steep hills over with at the beginning, although there were still a few more hills along the way. We started at 9am, and both of us could see our breaths it was so cold. But running down the other side of Ward Parkway, the sun started to peek out... and after 10 more minutes, it was mostly sunny for the second half of the run. The sunshine really spiked my energy. Getting to the end of the route felt really good - and when we were done (66 minutes for me, 68 for Devil) we sat on the grass and congratulated ourselves on a job well done.
Best of luck to all of you on your long runs tomorrow -- I know you will do great!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
NEW 7 mile Route
Devil and I are going to try this route tomorrow morning. Wish us luck!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Cold Start to Finish a Milestone
Well, the shin splints have stuck around by my running has improved. This morning was the first time that I ran 4 miles without stopping. I am not sure I have ever done that. I have run 4-mile races before but I remember walking for some parts of them. But this time I kept a consistent pace and never stopped. Now, my pace was a little slower than I would like at exactly 11 minute miles. But I am going to work on that.
Happy Running!
PS - good song that was on my Ipod this morning "I'm still standing" by Elton John - great to run to.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
I'm a bad blogger!
I switched this week and am doing cross training on Monday and Wednesday-- which meant today was 4 miles. It was the first time that I've run in the gym in a long time. Until today, I've been bundling up and braving (sort of) the weather.
But on the treadmill today... it was rough. I have many things to blame... the fact that I am battling (and losing) a cold... and probably because of where me and KCCoolRunnings went to eat last night. I'm not going to mention the place by name... but let's just say it's not exactly health food.
Oh well. I am getting pumped up to run the big 7 miles this weekend. I've mapped out a new course that in my mind doesn't seem too hilly, but then again, just wait until I get out there. Good luck!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Against the wind
"Against the wind
Im still runnin against the wind
Well Im older now and still
Against the wind"
That is what I felt like this morning. I felt lucky when i woke up and it was 60 degrees outside and it was NOT raining. I was feeling great until I hit my 3rd mile and I turned against a fierce wind and I felt like I was running in place. I came home to hear Brett Anthony say there was a wind advisory out and there were reports of 60 mph winds in Lee's Summit (where I live). Unfortunately my time was a bit off for this run and i am blaming it on the
I did feel good about the 4 mile this morning though. It is crazy to think that 4 miles is now my "short" run. I remember not too long ago when I was "in it to finish it" during the 4-mile zoo run.
I will also be traveling to STL this weekend to watch my BFF run in the STL marathon. This will be her first marathon and she is hoping to finish in 4 hours. CRAZY! (Hasn't she heard of cars?!?) I think I will be doing my 7 mile run in Forest Park. My BF, Jim has offered to run the half marathon at my side which is saying a lot b/c he is all legs and could easily lap me. I think I will take him up on his offer. Last week I let him run with me and I set some rules: #1 no passing me #2 no talking. With half a mile left he starts in with:
Jim: "oh, they have a pool over here?"
Me: "yeah"
Jim: "blah, blah, blah, blah"
Despite this breaking of the rules, I think he is a good running partner and I think I ran better having him with me (even if he did run behind me the entire time).
Scary Seven
As I was running this morning I kept thinking, 4 miles is now my short run?! That's insanity! It was also insane that I even got through it considering the weekend I had. For the past 5 years, a group of friends and I have gotten together in Iowa City for our traditional April Fool's bar crawl. Since everyone is spread out all over the country, this is really the only time of year we get to see each other. Somehow, each year manages to top the previous. But, it's getting harder to bounce back. Pretending you're a carefree college student isn't so easy anymore. We rent hotel rooms, drink through our hangovers, dance like we're at George's (MU folks will get the reference) and shove our faces with pokey sticks from Gumby's Pizza. By the time the weekend is over and I'm driving 5 hours home with the hangover from hell, I tell myself I will NEVER drink again! (well, at least until next weekend) But hey, at least I came back with a kickass barcrawl shirt, 2 new fabulous gay boyfriends and pictures that can only be shown to a select few (let's just say most of them include go-go dancers in tighty-whities and glowsticks.)
Sunday, March 30, 2008
7 Mile Run
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Getting High
Down the Drain
Water and Drain
Originally uploaded by Royal_Rivers
Today's workout was terrible. It really psucked (notice the silent "p" for extra emphasis). I just couldn't get the energy to get through the 3 miles. I did 2.5 and that was a struggle. I think it's because I am not feeding myself the right foods for energy... choosing to eat junk instead. For the next week I'm really going to try to make it my goal to eat well so this doesn't happen again.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Back in the (blogging) saddle...
Anyway, my despite other things going on, my training is back on course. Saturday I did 7 miles, including a couple of crazy hills! The next day my quads were quite sore...needless to say, Easter came at a perfect time!
I did want to mention my nipples, but only briefly because I am sure most of you don't care...but why do they have to hurt??? I guess they are beginning to chafe, which apparently means "to make sore by rubbing"...but I don't rub them, I start sweating, and they start hurting! I feel like Andy from "The Office" when the group runs their 5k fun run for rabies...fortunately mine haven't begun to bleed yet! Lets hope it gets warm soon and stays warm, because then we all can run topless!!! Who's in????
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
A week to slow down
This is a week to take it easy, so I'm going to. I pushed my own schedule back a day because my gym was closed on Easter, so I am doing weights M,W,F and running T,R,S. But I'm going to play around the Map my Run this week to find a good 4-mile route since most of what I've been running is the same 3-miler.
I also want to check out a book I read about in my Women's Health magazine. It's called Brain Training for Runners. It's supposed to help you figure out how to push yourself just far enough that you are running at full potential, without going too fast too soon. It's not at the KC Public Library, so I'll have to go to Borders or Barnes and Noble to see if it's worth the $15 cover price.
On a side note, I found this video a week or so ago and thought I'd share. This guy is 101 years old and running a marathon, and makes a stop to drink a Guinness. Do you think there are any pit stops like this at HH?
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Beautiful Day
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
A little bit of motivation

Happy Running!Is this your first race? Are you excited? Nervous? Happy? Unsure? All of the above? That is ok, those feelings are normal. My first half marathon was the Indy Mini Half Marathon in 2004. I had completed many triathlons up to that point, but I thought running longer than 6.2 miles was crazy – didn’t these people know of cars? I signed up and started training. I did my long runs on Saturday, my speed work on Wednesday and tried to get a few workouts in on my own during the week. I wanted to stop many times, I was tired, it was hot and I was sure I couldn't do it, but when I crossed the finish line, they called my name and put a medal around my neck, I knew I could accomplish anything. I pushed myself when I was hot and tired, I trained when I wanted to sleep and I set a goal and met it. I won’t promise you a perfect training season or even a perfect race, but I will promise you that when the volunteer puts the finisher’s medal around your neck, it will change you!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Bring on the pain
Luckily, I have a friend at work who was a big basketball player in high school and college. She was no stranger to shin splits. Shin splits are caused by the muscle trying to pull away from your shin bone. So, the first thing my friend had me do was to tape up my leg for running. Here is what it looks like:

Basicall you tape from one side of your shin to the other but not across your shin. This helps keep the muscle next to the bone when you run. I found this very helpful over the last few days.
The other helpful thing for any sports injury is an ice bath. Now let me say this may be as painful as the workout itself. On Friday I took my first ice bath in about 10 years. I live in a condo so I share walls with my neighbors and they must have thought I was a) having some really rough sex or b) I was being killed because all I could scream/moan was "oh god! oh god! the pain! oh god!" After the first minute your legs go numb and you can actually read a book or whatever while you are in the tub. This helps to reduce the inflamation of your injury. It has helped me over the past few days but the initial shock of the ice bath does not go away.
Happy running!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Back to Blogging

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I am back!
Anyway, I just arrived from the sunny shores of vacay in CA last night, and I am so happy that I finally get to step off of the stupid treadmill at the Y to get back to the trolley trail! Thank heavens the sun is finally shining in KC...I thought I was going to have to join a SAD support group.
I am so proud of myself though. I ran for three days of vacation which was actually pretty decent considering the chaos of different sleep schedules, etc. My runs on the beach were just fantastic...I LOVED listening to the ocean in lieu of my Ipod. I mapped my run this morning(I'm see how far I went, and it was six miles a day! Whoa...I thought it was about three! I know for a fact that it must have been the increase in daylight and melatonin! Needless to say, I went for a jog on the trail tonight after work, and 4.5 felt like 10! KC is definitely not California! Oh well!
I'm excited to get back to a regular training schedule and back to Pilates. I'm even starting this crazy ballet class soon. I know...first ballet...I've got to get a life!
Oh, I forgot. While I was on the west coast, I got this great idea. I want to run the full marathon in San Francisco in August. My brother lives there, and I think training for HH will help me get to that next point. The races are about two months apart, so I think I might have time to train. I hear SF is a difficult race though with a TON of hills. Yikes! I might have to pick an easier course for a beginner. It's probably just an idea though...I'm sure I'll regain sanity in a few days when the sunshine wears off!
Happy mid-week running!
Monday, March 10, 2008
If the shoe fits...
They just arrived today. I couldn't wait. I immediately slipped them on my feet and they feel great. I know I am not supposed to wear them except for running but damn I like these shoes.
Now, I didn't get them just because they are pretty (although that was nice). My old shoes are pretty beat up and this is the next model up from my old shoes. They are the New Balance 767.
Hopefully this will help motivate me to keep going. There have been a few mornings where during the last mile of the run I think "really? 13 miles? without being chased by bears or mountain lions?" Then I soon remember that I have 12 weeks of training left before the race and I should be able to pull this rabbit out of
"Runaway" mentioned getting red in the face while running. After my run this morning I went to the bathroom at the gym to weigh myself. OMG! I looked like a hot mess! My face was beet red and I had sweat dripping from my ears. Not kidding - can ears really sweat?
R.I.P. NB766s
PS - while watching Forest Gump last night I heard a good running song that most of you probably have on your ipod - "Go Your Own Way" by Fleetwood Mac. The song is about leaving a bad relationship but you can totally make it about running. :)
Magically Magenta
Day 1... a week late
It's supposed to be GREAT weather the rest of the week, so I'll be able to run outside. I'm really excited about that. I'm supposed to run in a race this weekend. The 4 mile St. Patrick's Day run in Westport is Saturday. I've never run it before, and it's not quite the 5 miles we are scheduled for, but I think I'm going to make an exception.
Good luck this week!
Week 2...
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Friday, March 7, 2008
I ran 4 miles!!
This year, I'm serious about the Hostpial Hill run. Just hearing everyone's stories has inspired me to get my butt in gear and just do it!! Really, what else do I have to do? I've been following this week's training schedule, but since I'm unable to run the 4 miles Saturday, I went ahead and did it today. I hadn't done 4 miles in quite a while, but a night of pigging out on Chinese food gave me plenty of energy and motivation this morning to get it off my thighs!! I didn't do any intervals, just the slow, steady 6.0 pace, no incline. I can't believe I'm going to admit this, but while I was running on the treadmill at the gym, I watched Days of Our Lives. Pathetic, I know. But I found reading the closed captioning while listening to some good tunes actually made the time go by quicker. Usually, I'm not able to multi-task like that, but for some reason it worked today.
As for music, I thought I would share some of my picks that help get me going. Someone was talking about Kanye West's "Stronger"...which I LOVE to listen to while I run (so does my mom). But there's another song of his that you should add to your playlist. It's called "Kanye's Workout Plan" and trust me...the lyrics make you want to run "harder, better, faster, stronger :) " Part of the song goes,
"That's right put in work
Move your ass, go wizzerk
Eat your salad, no dessert
Get that man you deserve"
"All the mocha lattes you gotta do Pilates
You gotta pop this tape in before you start back dating Hustlers, gangstas, all us, ballas"
Really, any Kanye song is good to run to. I also like Black Eyed Peas "Pump It", Jamirouquai's "Main Vein" and "Canned Heat," Basement Jaxx's "Where's Your Head At?" and Outkast's "Bombs Over Baghdad"
Did I mention I HATE THE WEATHER? I can't wait until it gets warmer because if I have to run 6 miles on the treadmill.....I will just flip.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
iLove my iPod
That being said - what is the one tune that gets you pumped? That song that comes on that makes your stride longer, your heartbeat increase and makes your workout that much better?
For me there are two songs right now that make me go from jiggly to jiggy - "Stronger" by Kanye West (how can you not get pumped by "what don't kill me can only make me stronger") and an old rap song by Young MC "Bust a Move".
ps - I am secretly stealing your ideas to help fill my iPod with running songs - 13 miles is a lot of songs. :)
Morning Shake
I'm not a big breakfast person, but I do like a good smoothie. This one is my favorite, not only because it's tasty, but it's pretty easy to make too. It's just frozen strawberries, frozen blueberries (about twice as many strawberries as blueberries), a scoop of whey protein powder (I use the EAS - vanilla flavor), and some water. To make it more like a "milkshake," add a packet of splenda and one tablespoon of heavy whipping cream. MMMM!! I'm not sure about how many calories it has, but it's probably around 200, which isn't bad for breakfast, and it's got 17 grams of protein, so it's a good way to finish off a tough workout.
Speaking of, I ran another 3 miles on the treadmill this morning. Because the treadmill tends to get really boring (as turtle7 pointed out), I try to mix it up. Today I did speed intervals, going from 5.0 pace to a 7.0 pace in a 5-minute period, then repeating that 6 times. It definitely got my heart rate up. Monday, my average heart rate was 158. Today, it was 178. I ran the same distance, in the same amount of time, but today was definitely harder.
In other news, as someone who is constantly watching the scale, I found this really interesting. Basically, all my worrying about losing weight is making me sick. What do you guys think?
I'm really enjoying reading everyone's posts. If there's anyone else you'd like to invite to join the blog, e-mail me.
Sick, sick, sick
I'll be honest, I'd already started the half-marathon training. It was supposed to be at the end of March. But... I stopped. Bad, I know. I was halfway through the training. I started getting shin splints constantly... and I got completely sick of running indoors. That's why I know I'm going to do better this time around. Because I can run outside.
And I have all of people making sure I do it! Now if I can just get rid of this cough...
Day 3...a new record
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Running for a Reason
I am desperate. I am probably the most unmotivated bride on the planet. My wedding is in a mere 101 days. 101!!! And yet, I still find myself evading the gym, eating junk and simply pretending like I still have a ton of time to magically drop 20 pounds.
I have dreams of looking amazing in my wedding dress-- and looking even better in a brand new bikini on a beautiful beach in Aruba. But then I wake up, and reality sets in. My arms are flabby, my butt is big and my thighs are scary.
Yet, up until now, I've done absolutely nothing about it. Well... I say nothing... because I've seen zero results. Of course, I only have myself to blame. Sure I've tried a few diets, gone to the gym sporadically... but I haven't gotten serious about this whole exercise thing.
So... that brings me to this blog... and this amazingly ambitious goal I've now set for myself. The weekend before my nuptials I will run a HALF-MARATHON. There, it's in writing. No backing out now!
Running the race is really my secondary goal. I am hoping all the training I need to commit to will whip me into shape and transform my body in just 101 days. I am not expecting a miracle, but I am hoping for some positive results. A tighter ass, a flatter tummy, leaner legs.
I am not a runner. I don't enjoy exercise in general. I would much rather take my dog for a walk or curl up with a good book. But it's time to realize that if I don't want to be a whale, I have to work at it. Hopefully, this training plan and all of you will help keep me focused and motivated.
And then when I walk down the aisle... certain places won't be quite so jiggly!
Creaky Bones...
I am so embarrassed by my recent battle against time. I woke up early thanks to my adorable canine alarm clock at 4:40 a.m. and hauled my crazy hair to the gym for a quick run and morning Pilates with the old know...the ones that take water aerobics. My overly energetic instructor in her mid-50s began to warm up the class with simple bends and stretches. All of a sudden, my ankles popped so loudly that I swore something tore. I'm not sure what...that's why I failed biology and have opted for a life in communications. Anyway, something seemed to pop, but I was still standing. After that, I got into a child's pose. My embarrassment continued. My back popped about ten times and sounded like I was crushing aluminum cans between my vertebrae. At this point, the old ladies were looking at me. My instructor was laughing. She said, "Feeling a little creaky today, Carla?" I felt like I was 90. I thought perhaps my wobbles were gone, but I was wrong. Once we hit the exercises that involved knees and hips, I was in big trouble. Finally, my instructor started laughing. I told her that I felt like I had been locked in a box for a week. Needless to say, my embarrassment could have been worse. I could have some of the gaseous embarrassments that evolve from my classmates. I haven't hit that low yet. Wonder when it starts? I just felt a little odd as the youngest person in the class with the creakiest joints. What gives?! I drink milk and take calcium must be the Pinot that is depleting my calcium intake. Ha!
So, most of my post hasn't been about running. Rather, I have recapped what running my first 1/2 marathon last October probably proved to my lovely joints. I get it...I'm getting older.
I'm hoping the Hospital Hill Half proves to be a little milder on my aches and pains. Judging by the 10k last year, I doubt it.
Sounds fun though!
Furry Alarm Clock

Not only does she know when I get up - she can count back 15 minutes from that time. Precisely 15 minutes before my alarm clock goes off my dog does the following:
- Begins to snore loudly (after sleeping soundly through the night)
- Tramples across my body from the foot of the bed to the pillows
- Wimpers so that she can go under the covers
- Eventually jumps down and paces the floor
- Finally while running around on the floor she constantly begs for me to pull her up in bed. As soon as I do this - she runs away like she doesn't want me to touch her - that's a pug for you!
I guess this is a good thing. Unlike apfan I am an early-riser. My gym actually doesn't open up as early as I would like. I am usually the first one through the doors at 5:30am everyday.
Yesterday was the first day of training for the half marathon. This is a pretty ambitous goal. Perhaps I should mention - I am probably the most out of shape of anyone contributing to this blog. So running for 30 minutes on the treadmill was not the easiest thing in the world. I made it to 30 minutes but there was some walking in there.
I think it will get easier when it doesn't feel like Alaska outside. I love to run outside. There is nothing better than running outside in the darkness of morning before most people are awake. Possibly the biggest plus for running outside is that once you run away from your house - you have to run back home - that's built in motivation for you!
Day 1...yesterday
Anyway, I am sure I have bored everybody enough for day 1...I am off to cross-train, but please stop back and read more later. I have plenty to say about my wife, my past, the gym, and of course fantasy baseball! Take care!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Day 1

I hit the treadmill this morning -- 3 miles. It's been a while since I've run that long at such a steady pace. Usually I will do interval training on the treadmill, alternating sprints with slow jogs. But today I ran an even 6.0 pace with a 1.0 incline for 30 minutes. It felt really good. I probably could have run longer, but I was late for a mid-morning appointment.
Even though I didn't have much sleep the night before, getting up wasn't that hard this morning. I guess it's because I was so enthusiastic about starting my training. I'll need to find some way to keep that motivation up come mid-April and May. What gets you up and going in the morning?
My sister sent me a link to a nifty website: Here you can map out different runs, see how long they are, and even plug in your times to calculate your pace. Once it gets warm enough to run outside, I'll definitely start mapping out new places to run!
Tomorrow is a cross-training day. I'm already in the middle of a weight-lifting training program, so I'll be pumping iron.
Not to discourage anyone, but did you see this? Kinda freaky.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Starting Out