I hit the treadmill this morning -- 3 miles. It's been a while since I've run that long at such a steady pace. Usually I will do interval training on the treadmill, alternating sprints with slow jogs. But today I ran an even 6.0 pace with a 1.0 incline for 30 minutes. It felt really good. I probably could have run longer, but I was late for a mid-morning appointment.
Even though I didn't have much sleep the night before, getting up wasn't that hard this morning. I guess it's because I was so enthusiastic about starting my training. I'll need to find some way to keep that motivation up come mid-April and May. What gets you up and going in the morning?
My sister sent me a link to a nifty website: http://www.favoriterun.com/ Here you can map out different runs, see how long they are, and even plug in your times to calculate your pace. Once it gets warm enough to run outside, I'll definitely start mapping out new places to run!
Tomorrow is a cross-training day. I'm already in the middle of a weight-lifting training program, so I'll be pumping iron.
Not to discourage anyone, but did you see this? Kinda freaky.
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