Happy Running!Is this your first race? Are you excited? Nervous? Happy? Unsure? All of the above? That is ok, those feelings are normal. My first half marathon was the Indy Mini Half Marathon in 2004. I had completed many triathlons up to that point, but I thought running longer than 6.2 miles was crazy – didn’t these people know of cars? I signed up and started training. I did my long runs on Saturday, my speed work on Wednesday and tried to get a few workouts in on my own during the week. I wanted to stop many times, I was tired, it was hot and I was sure I couldn't do it, but when I crossed the finish line, they called my name and put a medal around my neck, I knew I could accomplish anything. I pushed myself when I was hot and tired, I trained when I wanted to sleep and I set a goal and met it. I won’t promise you a perfect training season or even a perfect race, but I will promise you that when the volunteer puts the finisher’s medal around your neck, it will change you!
Are you up for the Trolley Run this year? I was out of town and missed it last year, but it sounds like fun...although very crowded.
Thanks for the motivation sis! This morning was particularly bad for me - the shin splits haven't gone away and I almost felt nautious just running 3 miles.
I promptly went home and jumped in a cold tub to feel better.
I wasn't kidding about a pack of wolves or bears chasing me though - I think that would really increase the motivation factor - ya know?
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